11 February 2013

DAB not for local radio in Norway

Local radio spokesman: DAB is becoming a redundant technology
In Norway the media and telecom authorities have issued permits for local radio in 9 out of 37 regions allocated for local DAB broadcasting. But there was only one application per region and a total of six companies/organisations including “Digital Norge” which is the DAB promoting organisation. In 8 other regions there were more than one application and here there will be an auction March 7.

The remaining 20 local DAB regions are vacant and permits will be issued on a first come basis for qualified applicants before June 30, 2013. Today the digital developments seem to be very costly for small scale broadcasting outside the metropolitan areas, says Erik Fagernæs managing director of Norsk Lokalradioforbund (the Norwegian Local Radio Association) to Journalisten.no. He says the local radio in Norway will stay on FM anyway. He also question if there is any need of DAB for local radio station which are now also on the Internet. The digital transmission network is actually becoming a redundant technology 
Fagernæs says.

Norsk Lokalradioforbund is the national organsation for both local commercial radio and local non-commercial radio (community radio).