Advantage for DRM+ in position for digital FM in India.
The Indian regulator, TRAI, launched a Consultation paper on formulating a Digital Radio Broadcast Policy for private Radio broadcasters. The consultation is part of an open process to establish how the FM band should be digitised in India.
The two contenders are: the international open standard DRM, the digital successor to analogue AM and FM broadcasting already deployed in India in the mediumwave band, and the proprietary HD system, promoted by the Xperi (USA). DRM is already on-air in India today, including for applications not supported by HD Radio at all, and millions of cars on the roads of India receiving DRM signals. Thus, DRM is a probable solution for digital radio services in India also in the FM band.
DRM ”Digital Radio Mondiale”) digital radio is a european, non-proprietary, open digital radio standard recognised and endorsed by ITU and ETSI. DRM is used in all the standard broadcast bands below 108 MHz (mediumwave, shortwave and FM) where only system challenger to DRM is HD Radio. DAB is assigned in a higher frequency band at around 200 MHz.
Mediumwave broadcasting has a much wider geographical coverage than FM. Most of India will be covered by only 35 powerful AM/DRM30-trransmitters.
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