14 May 2016

First Chip for Receiving All Radio Broadcast Platforms

Octopus 3+ is a complete in-car solution 
French company Parrot Automotive, has presented “O3+” which enables global analog and digital terrestrial radio reception on AM, FM, DAB, DAB+, DRM, DRM+, DVB-T2 Lite and HD Radio standards. Thanks to its background scanning and diversity capacities, the Octopus 3+ is also an all-in-one high-end radio solution. As a result, it enables best-in-class reception of radio in motion, even at very high speeds. 

The Octopus 3+ addresses all major radio standards deployed throughout the world, thus providing car makers with a single solution for global deployment, lowering R&D, testing and qualification costs. 

Aside from this worldwide tuner, the Octopus 3+ embeds an ARM Cortex-A5 processor with a fully-featured Linux system running Parrot well-known connectivity middleware for Bluetooth, telephony, voice recognition, media, etc. The chip also features an Ethernet, CAN and USB interface.

Parrot Automotive is a player in the field of Connected Automotive Infotainment and provider of radio solutions in mobility.

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