17 May 2014

Biggest Growth in UK Digital Listening Is Online

After 19 years with DAB radio still major listening platform is on FM
Digital listening hours for Q1 2014 increased with 2,3 % to 36,6 % of all listening from Q1 2013 according to Rajar. DAB - introduced in the UK 1995 - has the biggest share with 24 % of the 379 million hours of digital listening in Q1. Share of listening via digital television network is 5 %.

The biggest growth in digital listening once again is through online and apps, which share of overall listening is now 6.4%, up 27 % year on year. As the uptake of smartphones and tablets continues, this percentage is expected  to increase and be the main driver of digital listening in the future according to experts. However, the analogue FM platform is still dominant with 60 % of all radio listening in the United Kingdom. More: Rajar Data Release