31 December 2013

Broadband Access Now for 3 of 4 European Households

Internet access and use is widespread amongst the EU population. 79% of the households had access to the internet in 2013 and 76% had a broadband internet connection, compared with 55% and 42% respectively in 2007. For most individuals in the EU28, using the internet has become a regular activity, with 62% of individuals using it every day or almost every day and a further 10% at least once a week. On the other hand, 21% of individuals reported in 2013 that they have never used the internet, compared with 37% in 2007. 

These data published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, represent only a small part of the results of a survey on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) usage in households and by individuals in the EU28 Member States, Iceland, Norway and Turkey. In addition to internet access and use and e-government, the survey covers a variety of indicators such as mobile use of the internet, e-commerce and other 
activities carried out by individuals. The findings are used for monitoring several EU policies, in particular the Digital Agenda for Europe
Level of internet access ranges from 54% of households in Bulgaria to 95% in the Netherlands  In most Member States, the level of internet access was high in 2013, with shares of more than 90% in the Netherlands (95% of households), Luxembourg (94%), Denmark and Sweden (both 93%). The lowest shares were registered in Bulgaria (54%), Greece (56%) and Romania (58%). 

Broadband internet access enables higher speed when browsing and performing activities over the internet. In 
2013, in every Member State at least half of households had a broadband connection. Finland (88%) registered the highest share of broadband connections, followed by Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden (in 2012) and the 

United Kingdom (all 87%) and Germany (85%). 

More details in the Eurostat press-release