28 October 2013

Community Radio Makes Its Stand for FM Radio in Brussels

A statement to the European Commission is issued by the two pan-european community radio organizations against an FM switch-off. For a future transition DRM+ is the preferred digital alternative to DAB+

CMFE and Amarc Europe were invited to contribute a meeting in Brussels of  the "Working Group on Communications Broadcast Issues (CBISS)", part of Communications Committee (COCOM) of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Communications Networks.

This working group  prepares the ground for consistent interpretation and “best practice” across Member States of the European Union, amongst others on Transmission of Audio Broadcast services. "Digital transmission of audio broadcast services has been introduced in several European countries or is still planned to be introduced. The CBISS will assist exchange of good practice on implementation between Member States, and for identifying orientations for the future of terrestrial radio transmission given that receiver penetration has increased and new technologies have hit Member States’ markets." 

In its official contribution CMFE stated "CMFE strongly support the retention of analogue FM. We do not see the urge for an imminent digital transition nor for a switch off. Without proper considerations for local and community radio such a transition can be detrimental to both the individuals and organizations operating community radio stations as well as their listeners as equipment has to be replaced in both ends. For a future transition, DRM+ as a transparent and low cost system should be available for community radios in Europe, next to the more expensive and complex DAB+ system for some situations."