29 December 2016

A Third Hongkong DAB Broadcaster To Sign Off

Future for commercial digital radio looks bleak. Cannot match FM.
As we reported in August the Hong Kong Digital Broadcasting Corp. applied to return its DAB license to the government, citing “unsatisfactory” developments in the digital radio industry. According to the management the move was not due to immediate financial difficulties, but a lack of prospects in digital broadcasting and government policies that failed to help digital radio reach a wider audience, causing difficulties in attracting advertising. Now a third Hong Kong broadcaster gives up on DAB, as Metro Radio returned its DAB licence to the government, ending years of trying in vain to open up a new market – one that nobody really wanted – with little success according to South China Morning Post. 

21 December 2016

Norwegians Still Do Not Want DAB Radio

Seven out of ten say reject FM switch-off. DAB project close to a fiasco.
In an opinion poll on behalf of the national daily Dagbladet the resistance is at its greatest in the three northernmost counties. The switch-off begins in January in Nordland. An overwhelming majority of the people are strongly against closing the FM network and a transition to DAB. 66 percent of respondents said that they were against moving from FM to DAB. Only 17% say they are for this. Dagbladet carried an identical survey in July this year, with almost the same results.

12 December 2016

Local Radio Demanding FM Frequencies Left By National Channels Going DAB

Great opportunity for local operators in Norway when state and foreign-owned broadcasters move to DAB.
This opening of airwaves will put pressure on politicians to show their cards on the democratic agenda before next years's general elections. When national channels disappear from the FM band next year the vacant frequencies should be used by local radio, says Norwegian Local Radio Association (NLR), which also ask for an increase in subsidies, less detailed regulation of the industry as well as continuity and better overall framework regulation. NLR has recently submitted its comments to the media pluralism investigation committee.

9 December 2016

FM Switch-off for National Channels in Norway On Schedule

Dramatic stand-off in parliament. Labor saved Conservative government from a DAB defeat. But the transition plan is rejected by most Norwegians.
Amidst reports coming in from all parts of the country regarding insufficient DAB coverage and other technical problems Stortinget had to decide on two proposals for a postponement of the FM switch-off 2017 or a complete abandonment of the switch-off pan.   
It has been questioned if the DAB network can meet the the emergency alert requirements. DAB is not reaching out on all roads to the motorists and the coverage at sea will be halved when switching off FM. Today, only 23 % of the cars in Norway (not counting foreign vehicles) are equipped with DAB+

4 December 2016

Emergency Authority: Easy to Hack Norwegian DAB Radio.

Picture: Oppland Arbeiderblad 
Connected to the car network via in-car radio hackers are able to manipulate crucial vehicle functions
The Norwegian Civil Contingencies Agency (DSB) are sounding the alarm about units in DAB networks can be vulnerable to hacker attacks. Information indicates that it will be relatively easy to produce your own DAB transmitter that can be used to send malicious code to car radios. As DAB radio often is connected to the rest of the vehicle internal network, a hacker can to put key features out of order, said in the report now submitted to the Ministry of Justice.

27 November 2016

FM Radio Switch-Off Problems for Swiss Emergency Information

DAB transition forces the government to find new solutions
Without emergency alerts via FM, the whole population will not be reached by radio. Now the federal government is looking for new ways to inform in an emergency, such as earthquakes, landslides and floods. According to public radio SRG, digital radio DAB+ is expected to gradually replace FM from 2020. This threatens to become a catastrophic gap for information authorities. Today’s alarm system cannot be used any longer. It is clearly defined in the event of a disaster: When the sirens are heard radio should be turned on. This usually via the major radio channel. If this should fail, there is emergency transmitters.

Increased Internet Share of Broadcast Distribution in Sweden

Television online increasing while the terrestrial and satellite on steady decrease
Traditional television is distributed to consumers through various distribution platforms such as cable, satellite and terrestrial networks, and broadband via fiber, fiber LAN and xDSL. In June 2016 there were 5.2 million digital and analog pay-TV subscriptions in Sweden. Of this there were 2.8 million digital television subscriptions, which was an increase of 2 percent a year. Broadband expansion also affects how we receive traditional linear television. The number of subscriptions for IPTV continued to increase during the first half writes the Telecom Authority (PTS) in its report.

18 November 2016

BBC World Service Biggest Expansion Since the 1940s’

New services aimed at North Korea, Russia and much more.
The service’s Russian-language journalism will be boosted to include extended news bulletins, a relaunched website and more journalists on the ground in Russia. On the Korean peninsula, the BBC will broadcast short-wave and medium-wave radio programs that will allow listeners in North Korea to pick up impartial news. The World Service will also expand its digital services to offer more mobile and video content and a greater social media presence.  The World Service will focus particularly on increasing audience reach with younger people and women.

16 November 2016

Parliament Drama: FM Radio Closure in Norway Might Be Postponed

Centre Party worry for insufficient DAB readiness. Would allocate NOK 40 million to postpone an unpopular switch-off. Supported by one of the government parties.
In its alternative budget for 2017 the opposition Centre Party allocate NOK 40 million to cover the cost of postponing the closure of the FM Radio. - We must postpone the switch-off which will start in northernmost Norway January 11, and then be rolling all over the country during 2017, says Janne Sjelmo Nordås member and Vice Chairman of the party's parliamentary group Senter to the daily Dagbladet. The proposal is linked with an prior motion to postpone the closure. The Culture Committee will decide  November 24, following debate and decision in Stortinget - the parliament - on December 6. The Minister of Culture and the conservative party Høyre risk losing, but can be rescued by the largest party.

12 November 2016

Germany Rejects Proposal for Mandatory DAB in Radio Receivers

Setback for the DAB lobby. System has to rely on possible market demands
Also for the future in Germany it will be possible to buy an FM radio receiver that is not also equipped for digital terrestrial broadcasting (DAB). The Economy Ministry has now rejected a proposal from the Culture Committee of the Federation Council that the Telecommunications Act should be amended that from 2019, all receivers sold should also be able to receive standardized digital signals. 

8 November 2016

FM Chip Activation in U.S. Smartphones Increasing

Demands for emergency alert broadcast capacity major driving force. iPhone market share down
New data from the second quarter of this year shows that a record number of smartphones with their FM reception capability enabled were sold in the U.S. during the period. Since 2012, the broadcasting industry R&D unit PILOT has tracked the sales and FM capabilities of top-selling smartphones in the U.S. This usually equates to around 20-25 smartphone models, representing the lion’s share of U.S. sales during any quarterly period. 

6 November 2016

EBU Outlines 5G EU Policy for Public Service Media

5G Can Enhance Public Service Media’s Contribution To The Digital Society
The European Broadcasting Union has published a document outlining an EU policy and
development which can support public service media’s role and contribution to the digital society. Requirements identified by the EBU cannot only be met by technical solutions. A European 5G Policy should reflect a holistic approach says the EBU.

26 October 2016

DAB Transition Losers in Norway: Public Radio and Commercial Networks

199 local and community radio stations remaining on FM the winners 2017.
There are currently about 3 million DAB receivers in Norwegian households. Meanwhile, still there are about 10 million FM receivers most of which probably not will be scrapped. This points to changing listening situations. How much and how long? An analysis recently presented to the Norwegian media bureaus reveals brutal facts showing that NRK - the public service radio - in 2017 while keeping its dominant position on the radio market will lose 500,000 daily listeners in the transition to DAB. Also P4 Radio Norge become losers.

Community Radio Fast Growth in the United States

Number of low-power FM radio stations doubled since 2014
More than 750 new low-power FM (LPFM) community radio stations have been licensed to join the FM airwaves since 2014, according to the FCC. This has nearly doubled the total number to more than 1,500 LPFM stations across the U.S. and its territories. Thousands of applications poured in to the FCC 2013 following the passage of new legislation signed in 2011 that opened up opportunities for LPFM stations to operate in larger markets and urban areas. 

16 October 2016

Digital Transition in Norway: Commercial Radio Will Be a Loser

Public Service Continues to Dominate Norwegian Radio Landscape - Analog and Digital
No sign of commercial radio will increased its listening share with the transition from FM to DAB+. NRK has now about 70% of all listening in Norway. The two national commercial networks P4 Hele Norge (MTG) and Radio Norge (Bauer Media) should be concerned about the recent listening figures. 

13 October 2016

Proposal in Parliament Might Stop FM Switch-off in Norway

Widespread political concern over DAB radio shortcomings
The Parliament - Stortinget-  will this fall decide if the FM switch-off for Norwegian national radio should be postponed. Center Party (Sp) member from Nordland, Janne Sjelmo Nordås confirms that the Sp will submit a proposal which will convince Stortinget to conclude that the digitization of radio should be discontinued. Too many complain poor DAB coverage, and therefore we should postpone the FM switch-off, says Sjelmo Nordås.I  receive messages from many indicating that they are not receiving the DAB signal or the quality is really bad, she says to the public radio broadcaster NRK.

2 October 2016

Largest Digital Radio Brand Sold After Losses

Sale of Pure signals setback for DAB development 
The British company Imagination Technologies has sold digital radio manufacturer Pure to an unknown Austrian investment company, AVenture AT GmbH, for £2.6m in cash. The deal also gives the buyer an option to buy one of Imagination Technologies’ properties in Hertfordshire for £4.5m. The cash will be used to reduce debts, Imagination Technologies says.

28 September 2016

Mobile Broadband the Fastest Growing ICT in Human History

 Increasingly a game-changing challenge for the broadcasting industry
The 2016 State of Broadband report has been released by the UN Broadband Commission for Sustainable DevelopmentAt the global level, the total number of mobile cellular subscriptions will reach 7.4 billion by the end of 2016, according to the latest ITU estimates, with almost half of these subscriptions for mobile broadband. GSMA estimates that there were 4.7 billion unique mobile subscribers worldwide by the end of 2015 (63% of the global population). 6,5 billion smartphone subscriptions are forecast by 2022.

27 September 2016

Another 77 Frequencies For Local FM Radio in Denmark

DAB replacing FM is not yet visible on the horizon.
All broadcasting licenses for local FM radio in Denmark expires at the end of 2017. Before new allocation of frequencies for local radio during next year, the Energy Board has presented a list of 103 vacant frequencies in the FM band. Of these 77 are new frequencies, while 26 are "old" and still vacant. A total of 635 local frequencies will be assigned

24 September 2016

Flop For DAB Radio in Poland

Radio listeners and private broadcasters are not interested
So far only 1500 radios with DAB + have been sold in Poland (with a population of 40 million). This is seen as a major failure as there have been invested four million zloty annually in broadcasting since 2010 according to the magazine Satkurier.pl. Barbara Stanisławczyk head of Polskie Radio - the public broadcaster, believes for the future of radio it is evident that Poland should continue with analog FM and also the Internet.

12 September 2016

DAB Critics Slam Radio Revolution in Norway

Forced digitalization is an embarrassing exhibit of nation-building with no vision.
Static is rising over Norway’s plans to literally turn off its FM radio network next year and replace it with DAB. As the date for launching the FM phase-out draws closer, Norwegians
are waking up to the fact that their traditional AM/FM radios will no long work, and protests are pouring in, writes NewsinEnglish.no in a comprehensive article.

Renewal of National Analogue Radio Licenses Signals FM Survival

No FM switch-off in sight for many years in Great Britain
The UK’s three national analogue FM and AM commercial radio network licenses will qualify for a further five-year renewal, from 2018, Ofcom has confirmed. The stations, Classic FM, Talksport and Absolute Radio, are owned by Global, Wireless Group and Bauer respectively.

8 September 2016

Spotify now more popular than radio listening

Global expansion parallels Netflix success
The Swedish music streaming service Spotify is still far ahead of Apple and other competitors. It is has now become a crucial market factor also for the radio industry. Spotify’s free version has the largest reach of any digital music service in the UK, even outstripping many commercial radio stations, new research claims. A study by global market research firm TNS says that the free version of the music streaming service now reaches 16.8% of the UK listening audience. 

6 September 2016

FM Unbeatable Listening Platform in Germany

Online radio strongest digital challenger, leaving DAB behind
A study on which platforms the Germans use to listen to the radio this year and the previous three years has been presented at the IFA Electronics show. 94 percent listen to radio on FM. This is a percentage that have been unchanged for the past four years. A third -  34.1%  - use the Internet for radio listening. Other digital radio is shared evenly; DAB 13.8, via cable 14.7 and satellite 13.9%.

Young Germans Are Abandoning Radio

Dark outlook for traditional radio and television. Smartphone takeover.
Especially for the young generation a smartphone is now indispensable. TV and radio hardly matters anymore. This shows a survey by TNS Emnid on behalf of the Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) among Internet users in Germany.

28 August 2016

Will Slide Shows Give DAB Radio an Edge

Or how to move backwards into the future
UK digital radio manufacturer Pure has announced the Elan E3, a mid-price table-top DAB+ receiver which contains a 2.8-inch, full-color TFT display capable of displaying the DAB SlideShow service, often dubbed SLS. The radio is priced at £49.99 (US $66). This is the first time that a SlideShow-capable digital radio receiver has been available for under £50 and may stimulate UK broadcasters' interest in SlideShow functionality.

21 August 2016

China Goes For Its Own Digital Radio Standard

New digital radio standard CDR soon available in 560 cities in China
China digital radio broadcasting in FM band - CDR - is a standard for terrestrial radio that operates in the FM band (87 MHz to 108 MHz).  CDR is operational since November 2013 by the authority of State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of the People’s Republic of China (SAPPRFT). Three trial networks are presently on air in Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, By the end of 2016, CDR broadcasts will be available in more than 560 cities.

17 August 2016

Hongkong DAB Broadcaster Can't Compete With FM - Signs Off

Government will not support closing analogue radio
Digital Broadcasting Corporation is going off-air and has applied to return its license to the government, citing “unsatisfactory” developments in the digital radio industry. Job losses will total 113. DBC boss Loh Chan said the move was not due to immediate financial difficulties, but a lack of prospects in digital broadcasting and government policies that failed to help digital radio reach a wider audience, causing difficulties in attracting advertising.

14 July 2016

Norwegians Reject Transition from FM to DAB

"Peoples' Revolt Against DAB"
Overwhelming majority is strongly opposed to a closure of the FM network and a transition to DAB. 
The politicians are not in tune with the electorate 
The public radio channels and the commercial channels in major cities will close their FM broadcasts next year. A survey by Ipsos for the daily Dagbladet reveals that an overwhelming majority are strongly opposed to a closure of the FM network and transition to DAB radio. The question: It is decided that the FM network will be switched-off 1 January 2017. After that time must have DAB radio to listen to the radio. Should the FM network be switched-off and radio signals moved from FM to DAB, or are you against it?  The results of the survey show that 65 percent opposed a transition, 16 percent positive and 19 percent undecided.

3 July 2016

DAB Promoters Push For FM Sales Ban in Austria

Government study regarding a digital transition released.
Private radio want transition subsidies and sales ban on FM receivers. Public service not onboard. Community radio: DAB is an outdated technology.
Because the market outlook for terrestrial digital radio in Austria is bad, private radio companies want drastic measures: The sale of non-digital radios should be banned, and DAB+ should be mandatory for all new cars. However, in a study released last week the Austrian regulator RTR gives little hope for a viable development of the digital radio market: In the currently existing framework there are no prerequisites for a profitable business case, according to the document. 

18 June 2016

FM Switch-off in Norway Might Violate European Free Trade Rules

Government again questioned by the surveillance authority about DAB.
The EFTA surveillance authority ESA is not satisfied with the answers they so far have received from the Ministry of Culture regarding DAB. Now there is another ESA letter with several critical issues. Earlier the Norwegian Local Radio Association (NLR) has appealed to ESA because NLR fear that the major players in the radio market, as NRK, P4 and Radio Norway are favored. NLR believes government policy is contrary to EU competition laws. Presently, ESA is handling three different cases regarding the FM to DAB transition in Norway.

SmartCast Project Using DRM for Long-Range Broadcasting

French broadcast provider TDF aims at maritime and international broadcasting markets
TDF has launched a two-year joint project called SmartCAST that aims to study and build a long-range broadcast system, with potential interactivity. Transmission of data, including audio, will be based on the Digital Radio Mondiale standard.

2 June 2016

The Illusions of the DAB Radio World Are Worrying

The credibility of the European public broadcasting at risk
During two decades there has been heavy lobbying for the DAB technology created for and by the public broadcasting sector. But is there any market for DAB when the world goes on-line? Are the politicians presented with a distorted picture of an outdated technology? Is the credibility of the public broadcasting sector at risk?
These are some of the questions asked in a critical memorandum The Illusions of The DAB Radio World today released by the Public Service Council (PSR) in Sweden. 

30 May 2016

Hot Topic in Norwegian Parliament: Stop The FM Switch-Off

Minister of Culture not telling the truth about rejection of DAB plan in Sweden
Even as the planned closure of the national FM service approaches in 2017, the government is facing continued pushback from members of Stortinget (the Parliament). The Progress Party’s Ib Thomsen recently wrote a letter to the minister of culture Linda Hofstad Helleland, asking who would be responsible for unintended consequences after the national FM service disappears. The party is seriously concerned about radio if DAB plans are completed next year. Now there are also opposition in other parties along a mounting media and public opinion against the switch-off.

Smartphone DAB+ Reviewed in Australia: Radio Disappoints

Digital terrestrial radio is not the reason to buy LG Stylus DAB+
The inclusion of digital radio is a generally positive feature, but it’s not without some significant limitations writes the Australian consumer site finder.com.au. What’s more apparent from a week’s testing is that even in Sydney, digital radio reception on the move can vary widely. We used the Stylus DAB+ for our weekly commute in Sydney, and dealt with constant dropouts, including predictable ones like train tunnels. If you want the Stylus DAB+ for its musical chops, make sure you stay outdoors, preferably not moving much.

27 May 2016

Regional Public Radio in Holland Might Quit DAB+ Next Year

Broadcasters need public funding for both FM and DAB - and more bandwidth
Regional public broadcasters will end their digital DAB+ radio broadcasting next year if the government no longer contribute to the costs after September 2017. Broadcasters pay for broadcasting via analogue FM and digital DAB +, but still get compensation for these double costs. - The regional public broadcasters have next year to process a cut of 17 million euros. Both DAB+ and FM without government funding is unsustainable, says ROOS the national federation for regional radio and tv broadcasters.

26 May 2016

Norwegian Fishing Sector: Postpone FM Switch-off

Growing public opinion against the DAB radio plan
The Norwegian fishing association, Norges Fiskarlag, has asked the Ministry of Culture to review or postpone the FM radio band switch-off, which is due to start in 2017. It said it has learned that no maritime coverage measures have been taken for Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) radio, and some fishers have reported poor DAB reception. The association's director, Kjell Ingebrigtsen, said the plan is almost comical, given Norway's large fisheries sector and other maritime industries.  (telecompaper.com)

19 May 2016

More Public Funding Necessary For Saving Local Radio Jobs in France

Community Radio Asks for 32 Million Euro Annually
SNRL,the trade association of community radio, is now pressuring the politicians in France. The Support Fund Radiophonic Expression (FSER), provides support to over 600 community radio stations charge of public service missions in France and overseas territories. These are enterprises of social and solidarity economy, employing more than 2.600, including 400 professional journalists. With nearly two million listeners nothing can replace them according to SNRL. But today, the fund lacks one million euros, and it takes another 3 million in 2017. 

14 May 2016

First Chip for Receiving All Radio Broadcast Platforms

Octopus 3+ is a complete in-car solution 
French company Parrot Automotive, has presented “O3+” which enables global analog and digital terrestrial radio reception on AM, FM, DAB, DAB+, DRM, DRM+, DVB-T2 Lite and HD Radio standards. Thanks to its background scanning and diversity capacities, the Octopus 3+ is also an all-in-one high-end radio solution. As a result, it enables best-in-class reception of radio in motion, even at very high speeds. 

DRM Recommended for U.S. Digitalization of AM

HD Radio challenged by European technology
Digital Radio Mondiale has submitted comments to the FCC in regards to the AM Revitalization. While the organization says that it is supportive of changes to rules for AM broadcasters, in its comments it also submits a proposal for the FCC to consider its DRM30 standard mode for replacing analog sound broadcasting in frequency bands below 30 MHz. The organization cites its recent rollout in India as an example of its benefits.

FM Chip Activated for New Android Smartphones

Top-line models now are terrestrial radio-capable in the U.S. 
But FM is lost in Windows Mobile update.
The public pressure on FCC for broadcasting emergency capabilities and NextRadio’s lobbying efforts have borne fruit in the U.S. Through an update, telecom operators T-Mobile and Sprint have enabled the FM chip in its Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge smartphones, according to Android Authority. 

7 May 2016

Australia to End Public Funding of DAB for Community Radio

Survival for 37 radio stations not likely without government support
The Federal Budget contains cuts of $1.4 million p.a. funding that currently keeps community radio stations broadcasting on DAB+ in 5 capital cities; Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide.  The Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA) has responded to the Federal Budget saying that it has failed to maintain funding for metropolitan community digital radio services and has "taken the community out of radio." 

3 May 2016

Seven New Digital-only Radio Stations in Dubai

Obsession with the smartphone pushing a listening boom
Dubai is to be home to seven new digital-only radio stations – including two Virgin-branded channels – in a response to the increasing numbers of music lovers tuning in via smartphones. The Arabian Radio Network (ARN) launches the new stations in May, its chief operating officer Steve Smith told Al Arabiya English. ARN’s new digital stations will be available via existing apps, in a market in which there is an “obsession” with smartphone use, Mr Smith said. This is ARN’s first digital-only radio stations – with several more to launch later in 2016.

1 May 2016

New Alliance for LTE Broadcast on 4G and 5G

Leading mobile operators pushing next-generation broadcast service
At the TV Connect 2016 conference in London, four leading mobile network operators, representing North America, Australia, South Korea and the UK, announced the forming of the LTE-Broadcast Alliance. Verizon, Telstra, kt and EE together have more than 200 million mobile subscribers. The group’s primary goal is to encourage global support for LTE-Broadcast (LTE-B) services from all device makers. This will be a decisive challenge for terrestrial radio and television broadcast providers including digital solutions for radio as DAB and HD Radio.

22 April 2016

Postponement Threat to Digital Radio Transition in Thailand

DAB and DVB-T2 on the Thai agenda. The challenge is local radio.
The planned transition of radio broadcasting from analog to digital system seems in serious danger of being postponed, with the term of the incumbent broadcasting committee at the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission due to expire next year. The optimization of radio frequencies through a broadcasting transition from analog to digital technology is among those key plans, which have been delayed since last year from what was set out under the original Broadcasting Master Plan (2012-16). 

17 April 2016

Headwinds against DAB in Western Germany

Media policy experts see no future for DAB+
But public service radio will still invest heavily.
Again North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) troubles digital terrestrial radio. Jürgen Brautmeier, Director of the Media Authority (LfM) and Marc Jan Eumann, NRW secretary of state for Europe and Media, have in the daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) advised against pushing for DAB on the regional level. We believe in the diversity of radio which we have in the FM world from local to national in Germany and would like more, but it is not secure with DAB+, said the two. 

15 April 2016

FM Band in Sweden Will Open For More Commercial Radio

Commercial 8 year permits from 2018 confirms end of DAB prospects
The telecom authority PTS has been commissioned by the government to revise the frequency plan for analog commercial radio in Sweden. The government is striving to promote competition and diversity for the overall broadcasting sector and wants to give good conditions for a vital commercial radio says the Ministry of Culture. PTS will also look into the possibility of expanded coverage area for commercial radio.

13 April 2016

EFTA Might Force Norway to Close DAB Radio

Chaos will be a threat to the scheduled FM closure 2017
There is now a great risk that the EFTA will force the government to dismantle parts of the DAB network which is already bulit. The European Surveillance Authority (ESA) has asked two government ministries to explain of the policy. Certain parts of the radio industry have complained that it has been unreasonably treated by this policy. - It is not unusual that the ESA and the EFTA Court can dismiss a decision by Stortinget (the parliament), says lawyer Per Bjørgan to the daily Dagens Næaringsliv.

12 April 2016

Norway Accountable for Unlawful State Aid for DAB Radio

European audit authority now with three DAB cases against Norwegian government.
EFTA Surveillance Authority, ESA, has opened another case against Norway regarding theDAB introduction. With alleged state aid ESA has already concluded that the EU rules have been broken. The case may end up in the EFTA Court. - This time the complaint from an anonymous broadcaster, as revealed in a ESA letter censored at receipt to the Economics Minister Monica Mæland. She must now answer whether the investment in DAB and state-owned NRK's use of three-digit millions in this context means illegal use of tv license funding.

8 April 2016

More Terrestrial Digital Radio in New Smartphones

Global standard DVB-T2 might kill DAB in Smartphones
Recently the first smartphone with capability to receive DAB radio was released by the Korean company LG. But there might be a fierce competition in the field of terrestrial digital radio as there are other smartphones able to receive digital radio and television worldwide via DVB-T2 and for Japan and South America via ISDB-T.  Radio broadcasting using DVB-T2 Lite is three times more efficient than DAB+ on the same channel bandwidth in VHF Band III.

Compact FM Transmitter Launched

Improved FM broadcasting for robust requirements
Bext’s new XL 6000 is the latest compact FM solid-state transmitter from the company’s XL Series line of broadcast equipment to be presented at the NAB show in Las Vegas April 16-21 2016. In a height of four rack-spaces it packs 6 kW of power and many features for today’s broadcasters. The company says that reliability even in challenging environments is ensured by use of the latest generation or nearly indestructible rugged chips. 

28 March 2016

Smartphone With DAB+ Not For Telecoms

Mobile operators probably not subsidising smartphones with DAB+.
The company Telefónica Germany (O2 / e plus) will not offer smartphones that include digital terrestrial radio via DAB+. As Helge Lüders, Manager Radio Network Strategy confirmed by Telefónica Germany, at a symposium of the Media Authorities in Berlin. DAB+ lacks a business model which paying the costs. O2 will continue to rely on the willingness of its customers paying for Internet radio listening on smartphones and tablets for data volume as soon as they are off Wi-Fi networks. (Satnews)

26 March 2016

Another Swiss Radio Station Leaving DAB

Zurich station my105 withdraws from DAB + 
The Swiss radio station my105 in Zurich decided for strategic reasons to completely rely on online and thus to dispense with the terrestrial broadcasting via DAB + in the German-speaking Switzerland. Many discussions, experience and surveys of recent months have shown that "DAB-proliferation is overrated". In the case of my105 still would mean that DAB+ is not useful for the radio station with its 10 channel multi-channel strategy. At least three commercial radio stations have now abandoned DAB+ since 2014.

21 March 2016

New Smartphone A Lifebuoy for DAB

A paradox: Can a smartphone online get five-to-twelve-rescue for DAB?
The first smartphone that can also receive DAB radio in addition to FM and online was presented at the Radio Days conference in Paris launched its first. LG Stylus 2 is really a "phaplet"- which in size is something between a mobile and a plate. On this one you should be able to listen seamlessly to hybrid radio - a radio channel that automatically switches between DAB + or FM and Internet depending on varying reception conditions. But experts are wondering whether there is a sufficient market for this because DAB is only in operation in few countries on a global scale.

18 March 2016

Public Service in Austria Rejects DAB Radio

A move may jeopardize the medium of radio says the the director general
Photo: derStandard.at
Public service company ORF has no interest in DAB + according to the media authority KommAustria. If we cannot increase program output DAB is useless to us, says ORF Director-General Alexander Wrabetz. ORF With current legal regulations ORF will not be able to establish more channels, DAB+ has not been successful in any European country, and the technology behind DAB+ is 30 years old. There are 15.5 million FM receivers in Austria, making a transition difficult and a forced solution can compromise the radio medium. This was the basic criticism Wrabetz has submitted to KommAustria. Further for ORF, a transition cost for parallel operation DAB+ and FM another EUR 50 million per year, says the public service boss.

15 March 2016

Historic U.S. Radio Division Up For Sale

A recognition that terrestrial radio is no longer a growth industry
CBS plans to sell one of its legacy brand CBS Radio. We will begin to explore strategic options, CBS Chairman and CEO Leslie Moonves announced today during the company's investor day. The move represents a recognition that terrestrial radio is no longer a growth industry, particularly as major advertisers shift their spending to digital platforms according to Los Angeles Times.