14 December 2018

Starting 700 MHz Mobile Broadband in Sweden

Better coverage across the country for 4G and 5G.
An effective online broadcast platform. The ultimate DAB killer.

The telecom authority PTS auction of licenses to use radio transmitters in the 700 MHz band has been terminated after a bidding round that determined the location in the band. Three of four mobile operators with a total biddig sum of SEK 2.8 billion (271,5 million euro) won 30 MHz of the band. This is a major step forward in preparing for the upcoming 5G market introduction 2020. - For broadcasters this will also be a boost for radio and television online distribution coverage to reach smartphones and connected cars via 4G and 5G. The 700 MHz band will also be optimal for LTE Broadcast applications.

4 December 2018

Half of Norway Turns Its Back on DAB. Now Politicians Are Reconsidering

Unique project closing of national radio on FM has failed.
Listening figures clearly show less interest for national channels (now exclusively on DAB) than when broadcasting on FM. Local radio continues on FM and many stations now have larger audiences than before the national radio left FM 2017. In the third quarter, many stations increased a lot. Nea Radio is still the country's most popular station with a total of 53% daily coverage in its own area. There are a total of 15 local radio stations that have a daily attendance of at least 16%. - Will still more Norwegians stay on FM and go online rather than turn to DAB? This might be quite a problem of survival for the national broadcasters.

25 November 2018

No More Investments in Nationwide DAB Radio in Norway

Broadcast provider gives up frequency packet. Will DAB kill radio?
In May 2019 Norkring AS will return the license for Riksblokk 2 (National Block 2), which is a commercial frequency packets consisting of channels 11A and 12A. Norkring won an auction of Riksblokk II in 2012 with a bid of NOK 4.004.000 kr. Building permit and frequency license was issued until 31 December 2031. But now it seems that Norkring has given up what the politicians once imagined would be widespread diversity with more actors than the duopoly of two nationwide commercial radio companies.

15 November 2018

Parliament Proposal in Norway: FM Radio For Another Ten Years

Increased listening engages politicians for local radio in Norway.
While the DAB-only national channels are still on cathastrophic listening levels the Center party (Sp) has submitted a proposal to Stortinget that local radio should be allowed to continue on FM until 2031 in parallel with the current DAB permits. I promote the proposal because, as a Center party and media person, I am very concerned that it is time for us to give our important local radio an opportunity to grow and develop to become even more important; for media diversity, for local democracy and for radio as a medium, says Åslaug Sem-Jacobsen, who is behind the proposal together with colleagues.

8 November 2018

DAB Radio Setback for Bauer Media in Norway

Oslo rumours: Radio 1 closure, staff cuts.
In recent months, the low listening figures for most of the national commercial radio channels stay on. One of the two players hardest hit Bauer Media with its eight DAB channels has a 9.7% national radio market share versus the P4 seven channels total of 22.3%. Now rumours reveal extensive staff cuts in Bauer's Norwegian operations and that the Radio 1 channel with only a 0,3% market share will be shut down after just one year of operation.  - Since 2017 Bauer and P4 no longer broadcast on FM.

2 November 2018

Norwegian Government's War Against Local FM Radio in the Capital

Fines, fees and debt collection hit FM stations.
Waking memories from the War and 1943.

With only half of the car park DAB radio installed, many people continue to listen to FM on local radio. Also reception problems for DAB, listening to Radio Metro and other local stations on FM have significantly increased. This is a problem for the two major commercial actors and the government: There is a decision that there should be no commercial broadcasts in Oslo, says John-Eivind Velure, manager of spectrum at the National Communications Authority (Nkom). Nkom argues that radio entrepreneur Svein Larsen is operating illegal broadcasts in the Oslo area and has now announced sanctions.

28 October 2018

The DAB Radio Flop in Norway: A Return to FM Rejected by Culture Minister

             Picture: Opplands Arbeiderblad
But political support for local FM radio retained beyond 2021.
Today less than half of the population in Norway listen to national radio only on DAB since switching off FM last year. In a Stortinget (parliament) debate the Center Party representative Åslaug Sem-Jacobsen wants to restore the public broadcaster NRK’s FM network for the main channel P1. Culture Minister Trine Skei Grande (Liberals) believes, however, that this is not serious. According to Sem-Jacobsen NRK in emergency preparedness has a mission to reach the whole population.

24 October 2018

FM Radio Position Still Strong In Sweden Says Authority

DAB system is questioned in public broadcasting consultation.
In view of technological developments and consumption patterns, the public service committee proposal for the forthcoming license period of eight or ten years is too long. This in particular to the requirement that public service companies are bound to broadcast via the terrestrial networks. Post- och telestyrelsen (PTS) - the telecom authority - points to lack a discussion that internet distribution can be done both by wire and wireless and in time.- PTS challenges continued temporary DAB broadcasting and broadcast provider Teracom AB welcomes the continued focus on FM network investments in Sweden.

13 October 2018

Commercial Radio in Sweden Activates 2014 DAB Permit

Media company takes strategic step, but few will listen IRL
NENT Nordic Entertainment Group (formerly MTG) has noticed the Swedish Press, Radio and Television Authority their intention to start the digital radio DAB+ broadcasting from January 1, 2019. According to the license terms, broadcasts must reach 35 percent of the population already April 1, 2019. However, there are no political plans in Sweden to replace FM with DAB as in neighbouring Norway. Rather, there are strategic corporate reasons behind this announcement.

10 October 2018

European Authority Closes Complaint Case Concerning DAB in Norway

Ministry of Culture submitted a completely misleading document to the EFTA Surveillance Authority. 
Norway's migration to DAB does not breach EEA rules was the conclusion of the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) in Brussels, which Oct.10 2018 closed a complaint case concerning the coordinated switchover to digital radio in Norway. However, the Norwegian Radio Listeners Association (NRLF) regrets this decision and is also critical to how the Ministry has informed and misled the Authority.

3 October 2018

Digital Radio to Complement Analogue in South Africa

Two digital standards are officially recommended
The government has invited for comments regarding introduction of terrestrial digital radio in South Africa. Two digital standards DRM and DAB are recommended; in order to be complement to analogue broadcasting. A future closure of FM in the republic is not envisaged.

30 September 2018

High Power 5G Radio Test in Germany

Will 5G become a threat to DAB?
The new 5G network standard offers great potential for an efficient distribution of media content. As part of a research project, LTE 5G field tests for radio is currently under way in the vicinity of Munich in Bavaria. Large-scale TV transmissions will use the broadcasting mode FeMBMS from a transmitter location Wendelstein (1828 m above sea level) with an output power of 100 kilowatt ERP.

 The field test significantly promotes the further technical development in this area and prepares for a link between broadcasting and mobile radio (unicast).

26 September 2018

FM Switch-off in the UK Would Be a Risk

BBC:  Beware of the Norwegian experience  
Many younger audiences rely on FM services, so removing them would risk losing more young audiences to non-UK streaming services, says the BBC's Chief Technology Officer Matthew Postgate appealing against switching off FM, because of the risk of users migrating to switching to music services such as Amazon Music and Spotify. Analogue radio, strongly driven by FM, remains the UK’s most popular, universal and reliable method of listening to radio. It accounts for 50% of time spent listening to radio in the UK, and is used by 70% of the population.

20 September 2018

Dramatic Cuts for the Public Broadcaster in Denmark

Another blow to a continued DAB radio introduction
The new public service contract between Danmarks Radio and the government set a 20% reduction of its budget for five years. Around 400 positions will be axed. DR’s six television channels will be reduced to three and three of eight radio channels will be closed.  The radio channels to be closed are DAB-only channels (P6 Beat, P7 Mix and P8 Jazz). DR Radio will continue with five channels on both FM and DAB+

17 September 2018

5G Public Broadcasting Is On Trial in Six European Countries

Essential also for radio but not in Norway.
Next year, next generation mobile broadband 5G will be introduced globally. The transmission capacity will be about 10-20 times higher than with 4G. Ten European 5G test projects connected to public broadcasting in Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway and the U.K. In Norway trials of LTE Broadcast (LTE-B) technology is ongoing in Selje in Sogn og Fjordane county since beginning of 2017 as reported by the EBU.

16 September 2018

Russia Goes DRM. Setback for DAB Radio Promoters.

DRM is making global progress but still DAB has its grip in Europe.
New digital broadcasting standards are being introduced in Russia. The frequency bands 65.9-74 MHz and 87.5-108 MHz will be allocated for use by digital terrestrial broadcasting of the DRM+ standard. This will have a significant impact on the development of the broadcasting market in the country, according to the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications. Russia is the second major nation after India to introduce DRM on a national level.

15 September 2018

Listeners Calling on the Parliament to Restore FM Radio in Norway

Request free market for local FM radio as national broadcaster go DAB.
The year after the decommissioning of the nationwide FM broadcasts, the national radio listening have fallen with 400.000 daily listeners. The introduction of DAB and the closure of the FM network must being regarded to be the main cause according to the Norwegian Radio Listeners’ Association (NRLF). In a letter to all 169 politicians in the parliament (Stortinget) NRLF requests that local radio be given unlimited broadcast access on the FM band.

13 September 2018

Massive NATO Exercise in Norway Might Jam DAB Radio

Broadcasting might interfere with military communication
The massive NATO exercise in Norway known as Trident Juncture is starting this week. It can interfere with DAB radio signals. It’s unclear whether the country’s communications network will meet the demands placed on it. The NATO exercise will involve 40.000 soldiers from all 29 NATO countries plus Sweden and Finland. Telecom provider Telenor can’t rule out ill effects on both DAB and mobile signals. - Long time freguency conflict between broadcasters and military still unsolved.

10 September 2018

Europe Start Ditching Digital Terrestrial Television [updated]

This might also signal an end of future DAB radio.
How soon will TV aerials become redundant? The Swiss government has paved the way for the country to become the first nation in Europe to ditch digital terrestrial TV (DTT). In a new concession, or charter, the government has provided public broadcaster consent to switch off DTT by the end of 2019. And more countries will follow.
DTT replaced traditional analogue TV signals received via a rooftop or indoor aerial as part of a digital switchover across Europe during the last decade. Switzerland completed its switchover in 2008.

6 September 2018

Will Internet Be a DAB Killer in Germany?

Podcasts and smart speakers are fueling the online audio market.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Media-Analyze e.V. (agma) this week published the latest data on the use of digital audio services in Germany. According to the ma 2018 IP Audio III measurments, the online audio market continues to grow dynamically. Each month, there are listening streaming sessions 280 million times, with an average session time of 48 minutes.

4 September 2018

FM Radio Still Rules in Germany

But online radio will expand on many devices
According to a report from die medienanstalten published this week FM continues to be the dominant listening platform in Germany. This year 92,2  percent of the households have at least one FM receiver compared with radio via cable/satellite 22,8%, DAB 17% and Internet 10,7%.  There are approximately 135 million FM receivers in active use in Germany. Cable/satellite is losing its position to DAB and online radio.

28 August 2018

Heavy Lobbying Behind DAB Radio EU Proposal

Norwegians are going for DAB success in Oslo and Brussels
Being a small country and not an EU member it is notable how Norway is involved in European DAB-promoting in Brussels. And two Norwegians companies will put their hopes to the latest proposal (see separate story below) to the European Parliament which is the outcome of many years of aggressive lobbying. The most powerful resources regarding DAB comes from the EBU. For more than 8 years the EBU office in Brussels has an annual budget officially at 1-1,2 million euro. 

Mandatory Digital In-Car Radio Proposal. DAB Lobby Coup in Brussels

However, consumer and eurolegal backlash is looming.
The European Electronics Communications Code (EECC) will include a new provision that any radio equipment integrated in a new car which is put on the market for sale or rent in the Union shall be capable of receiving digital terrestrial radio broadcasting. The political agreement on the EECC had been reached in June 2018 . This might be a step forward for the DAB system, but technical developments for mobile broadband might kill the whole setup.

19 August 2018

5G Smartphones in Stores Next Year

Important step for broadcasting, but LTE 4G still sufficient for radio
Telecom equipment manufacturer Ericsson says the first smartphones supporting 5G will become available during early 2019. The June Ericsson Mobility Report makes three major other assertions:  1)  5G will kick off with enhanced mobile broadband as its first use case.  2) By the end of 2023, there will be 1 billion 5G subscriptions, accounting for around 20% of mobile data traffic.  3) A massive increase in 5G subscriptions is expected to be fueled by third-generation chipsets, which will be available from 2020 on a variety of frequency bands

29 July 2018

The DAB Radio Project in Norway Is Derailing

Increasing political and business demands for a return to FM
For the first time daily listening to national radio is down under 50% in Norway. Last week down to 48,5% from 51,2% the week before according to Kantar TNS.  Although the Norwegians now have an increased number of on-air channels to choose from there is a widespread discontent with DAB replacing FM.  For several reasons DAB is far from becoming popular as projected by the public broadcaster NRK and other promoters.

23 July 2018

Norwegian MP: DAB Radio in Norway Is a Tragedy

The DAB fiasco will become a major political issue
Experience so far leaves no doubt that the closure of the FM network and the introduction of DAB is a tragedy for the Norwegian people. The Storting parliamentarian and media spokesperson for the Center Party, Åslaug Sem-Jacobsen, writes this in response to Frp (Progress Party) Thorleif Fluer Vikre, in a debate article published in several regional newspapers in Norway. Before joining Stortinget Sem-Jacobsen was employed by the public broadcaster NRK.

Government Will Not Reveal DAB Listening Figures in Norway

Minister of Culture meets sharp criticism in the Parliament
Culture Minister Trine Skei Grande (Venstre) will not take an initiative to find out how many people listen to DAB. It became apparent when she responded to a written question from Åslaug Sen-Jacobsen (Sp the Center party) in the Parliament. Åslaug Sem-Jacobsen is very disappointed with the minister. The question is, among other things, national preparedness and road safety.

8 July 2018

Who Is Trying to Push South Africa Into the DAB Quagmire?

Lobby group submit slanted document to media authority.
The digital radio inquiry conducted by the media authority ICASA  (Reported here July 6) received 22 submissions including some by international stakeholders as the WorldDAB. This organisation is stepping up its efforts enticing South Africa to go DAB. - An experts group at the Swedish NGO the Public Service Council (PSR) in cooperation with the Norwegian Radio Listeners Federation (NRLF) has scrutinized the WorldDAB submission document and subsequently filed critical comments to ICASA. The technical parts have been screened by veteran broadcast engineers in Norway and Sweden.

6 July 2018

South Africa at Digital Crossroad: FM Radio Will Be Retained.

Inquiry reveals digital radio doubtfulness.
Media authority ICASA has conducted an inquiry in order to examine the prospects of implementation of digital sound broadcasting services. Most entries are submitted by broadcasters in South Africa but also from international stakeholders as WorldDAB and DRM Consortium. The most of the 22 submissions clearly indicate that analogue FM radio should be retained and terrestrial digital radio should only be introduced as a complement. Input indicates that both the DAB and the DRM system might be introduced in South Africa.

28 June 2018

Government's plan to turn off the FM band is ”stone dead”

Another setback for DAB promoters in Denmark
The government and the Danish People's Party (DF) have entered the final phase of the parliamentarian negotiations on the media settlement that will form the framework for the country's media 2019-2024. On the way to the negotiations with Minister of Culture Mette Bock (LA), DF media chairman Morten Marinus states that the media agreement will not open for the government proposed FM switch-off. The idea of a switch-off was to push forward a transition to digital terrestrial DAB radio.

21 June 2018

DAB Radio Questioned by Auditors and Business in German Federal State

"Why should millions be invested in a technology that is outdated tomorrow?"
Business federations in the federal state of Lower Saxony want to end the digital radio DAB+. The state Court of Auditors is also critical. We talk about digitalization, broadband and the 5G standard being within reach, so why should millions be invested in a technology that is outdated tomorrow? says Volker Müller, CEO of Unternehmerverbände (Employers' organizations).

14 June 2018

FM Radio Will Be Retained in South Tyrol

Analogue and digital radio will co-exist also in the future
Consumer Center South Tyrol welcomes the statement of th regional government that FM broadcasting will continue to function. Earlier the broadcaster Rundfunkanstalt Südtirol (RAS) had taken the position that the old analogue FM network would eventually coming to a switch-off. Many radio listeners were worried that their FM radios would then be dead.

13 June 2018

Defense System Conflict Another DAB Scandal in Norway

NATO can override national DAB radio frequencies.
Thousands of ordinary Norwegian citizens aren’t the only ones frustrated and dissatisfied after Norway’s forced transition to DAB radio. It meant shutting down FM radio, and now NATO may find itself in conflict with the civilian DAB frequencies it was granted for exercises in Norway. Nagging problems and conflicts continue to arise.  Politicians and authorities were reportedly warned before they imposed DAB on the civilian population that it could cause problems in crisis situations.                      (Picture: Aftenposten)

4 June 2018

No Lift Off for DAB Radio in New Zeeland

12 years of trial now coming to an end
Broadcast provider Kordia must wrap up its DAB trial by June 30, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) says. MBIE oversaw the technical aspects of the trial. The government must now decide whether to green-light the technology. According to National Business Review Kordia has written to Broadcasting Minister Clare Curran asking for her to overrule MBIE and extend the trial. But as things stand, the curtain is coming down on perhaps New Zealand's longest-running technology trial. Globally, there are still only a few countries with established DAB broadcasting.

3 June 2018

A Quarter of India’s Population Now Smartphone Users

Smartphones ultimately the major media platform
In India, 337.0 million people, or more than a quarter of the population, will use a smartphone in 2018, according to eMarketer’s latest forecast. 

The number of smartphone users in India will grow by close to 16% this year—the highest growth rate of any country in the world broken out by eMarketer.

28 May 2018

More Digital Radio via Terrestrial Television in Australia

DTT provides better coverage than DAB.
SBS is a hybrid-funded Australian public broadcasting radio, online, and television network. SBS operates four TV channels and eight radio networks. SBS Radio broadcasts in 68 languages and is available on all platforms including podcasting. SBS Radio has now launched two new digital radio stations – SBS PopAsia, SBS PopDesi and a refresh of SBS Radio 3 on the digital television network (DVB-T2). 

26 May 2018

Bright Future for Commercial Radio in Finland

FM radio is secured until 2030. The Baltic Sea region will be DAB free.
January 2020 is the start of a new ten-year license period for the commercial radio in Finland. There will be seven national FM licenses, with a coverage of at least 75 percent of the population. In addition, eleven partially national radio networks (at least 40% in household coverage) are announced as well as a number of regional and local states. Among other things, there is room for AM and also eight stations in Helsinki.

24 May 2018

Analogue Radio Rules On-Air

Digital radio in France is overwhelmingly online
According to the French magazine La Lettre Pro there are 51.000 OTA radio stations globally. 97% of the 12.299 radio stations in Europe are FM or AM. 11.827 broadcast on FM, 276 on AM (long and medium wave). Digital terrestrial radio only 353 on DAB and 881 on DAB+

21 May 2018

DAB Receiver "Sales Record" - Another Lobbying Illusion

Sales are not impressive, not even in Norway
The WorldDAB organisation reports that almost 12 million DAB receivers were sold in 2017 in Europe and Asia Pacific, a new record for yearly sales. Almost half (5.9m) of the sales were for automotive devices, with key markets showing a significant increase in the number of cars sold with DAB fitted as standard.

18 May 2018

Deep Decline for Radio Ads in Norway Bad News for DAB Broadcasters

The transition from FM is considered to be the problem.
Meanwhile, all good news for local FM radio.

During 2017 national public and commercial radio made a complete with-over from FM to DAB+. Now, media agencies' investments in radio advertising show that the two commercial networks Radio Norway and P4 in four months have backed from NOK 144.5 million to a turnover of 133.2 million. By April they have backed 7.8 %, says the CEO of the Media Agency, Merete Mandt Larsen to ad business magazine Kampanje. Just for April development is even worse. Radio ad investments was down by 17%.

15 May 2018

BBC Will Evolve Into an Internet Broadcaster

Predicts all-IP future. Current charter period is one of transition
Speaking at the Digital TV Group Summit in London, the BBC’s chief technology and product officer, Matthew Postgate, said that the BBC’s current 11-year charter period will be “one of transition” and said that change is already underway. While the BBC will continue to cater for both people who watch and listen to traditional linear channels and those who use the web as their premium consumption method,  Postgate said that the question is not when, but how we will make the transition to being an internet broadcaster.

8 May 2018

Public Broadcaster in Norway Bluffed About 5G In the FM Band

According to the EBU no such solution is considered
At the Norwegian electronics industry's Digitalforum recently, Gunnar Garfors from the NRK claimed that the public service organisation EBU is discussing using the 5G in FM band. The EBU is discussing using FM for 5G. There is the possibility of a pilot in Norway, said Garfors. There are areas in Norway where there is nothing on FM and tests can be done, Garfors explained. However, this idea was immediately rejected by many experts. Today, on our request, EBU has confirmed that the EBU has no such plans at all.

5 May 2018

Internet Radio Overtakes U.S. Broadcast Radio

Digital terrestrial radio is a flop
What the future of the radio can look like, shows a view of the United States. Radio usage has declined steadily over the traditional FM and medium wave distribution channels, and internet radio listening has been steadily rising. In 2017, radio Internet use for the first time overtook the use of radio over the traditional channels and is clearly ahead of the clock at 879 minutes per week. Terrestrial radio is only 780 minutes.

28 April 2018

New Intitiative: 5G In the FM Band in Norway

Desperate Public Broadcaster Attempt to Get Rid of Local FM Radio
Smart mobile system 5G will launch worldwide in 2020 and there is hard work to find enough frequency space. For Europe, very high frequencies are now assigned 3.4-3.6, 26 Ghz and 700 MHz band. During the conference Digitalforum in Oslo, a representative of the public broadcaster NRK stated that the EBU is discussing using the 5G in FM band. A test can be done in Norway and can be done in a short period of time. However, the idea was  rejected by several experts.

24 April 2018

50 Percent of Norwegians Do Not Switch to DAB. Rather Stay on FM

Media Authority: Local radio is important for media diversity.
The effort to switch national radio from FM to DAB+ has not been positive for radio

listening in Norway, despite the fact that there are now 31 DAB-channels, many of which are new. On the contrary, developments indicate stagnation bceause many Norwegians discard DAB and continue listening to FM on local radio and cross-border radio. The forced DAB switch-over is not the success story as presented at conferences around Europe. Rather this is a national failure confirmed by recent listening surveys, and also by the fact that only one out two cars have a DAB radio installed.

17 April 2018

Norwegian Local Radio Will Continue On FM

Union adopted a resolution for expanding FM. New chairman elected.
NLF members are large and small local radio stations throughout Norway, both commercial and non-commercial (community radio). Aslak Sommerfelt Skretting (Jærradio Group) /picture at the right/ has been selected as new chair of the Norwegian Local Radio Association (NLF) after Svein Larsen (Radio Metro). - The meeting in Kristiansand also decided that local radio must be allowed to continue and expand on the FM band for the same license period as for DAB broadcasters, until 2031.

10 April 2018

AM Added to Digital Radio Receiver for Australian Market

Much of vast Australian continent only served by medium wave broadcasting.
In a bid to serve Australia’s very unique radio market, Boston-based radio manufacturer Tivoli Audio has added AM (analog mediumwave) radio reception to its high-quality Tivoli Model One Digital FM/DAB+ receiver. The reason why these modifications were necessary is related to Australia’s geography and population distribution.

8 April 2018

No FM Radio Switch-Off in Denmark. Lack of Political Support

Analysis: DAB lobby pushing government officials
The Minister of Culture Mette Bock (Liberal Alliance) has presented a proposal to close FM by 2021 in order to promote digital radio (i.e. DAB). A closure of FM is an issue of survival for the DAB system and its stakeholders (mainly EBU and WorldDAB) who want more countries to follow Norway's example. DAB+ has a very slow growth in Denmark, with only about 15% listening on a weekly basis, while Teracom, the DAB network operator, finds it difficult to secure additional channels - besides those already on both DAB+ and FM - in its new multiplex.

5 April 2018

DAB Too Costly For Local Radio

UK commercial station leaves DAB due to price increase
Connect FM has disappeared from its local DAB multiplex because of a “very substantial price increase” from Arqiva, the station has told RadioToday. The station, owned by Adventure Radio, has been on DAB for five years, having been a launch partner when the Northampton multiplex launched in 2013. Connect FM also joined DAB in Peterborough, and Herts, Beds and Bucks.

30 March 2018

HD Radio Demos All-Digital FM in Las Vegas

A total of 12 HD Radio channels from a single transmitter
The upcoming NAB convention in Las Vegas next month is planning a live demo of all-digital FM HD Radio featuring a total of 12 HD Radio channels from a single transmitter during the show. The Broadcast Engineering and Information Technology conference will detail extensive high-power field testing of all-digital FM conducted earlier this year in Las Vegas using radio station KKLZ in Beasley.  The demo might indicate a breakthrough for terrestrial digital radio in North America.

28 March 2018

Podcasting Now a Major BBC Listening Platform

First Podcast Commissioner Appointed 
Last year there were around 240 million downloads of BBC podcasts, an increase of 12% in a year. There are nearly 2 million podcast listeners in the UK who don’t consume any BBC Radio. Now the BBC has appointed its first Commissioning Editor for Podcast Jason Phipps, Head of Audio at The Guardian. From May he will lead on the BBC’s podcast strategy, overseeing the portfolio of podcasts across the organisation. This includes building upon the BBC’s established podcasts as well as leading on new and innovative series which are made purely to be podcasts and aren’t broadcast on BBC radio stations. 

Chipless FM Radio on Mobile Devices

Terrestrial radio reception without smartphone FM chip.
It has been a long, slow process to get FM chips installed and activated in mobile devices. And there are still holdouts as the iPhone. NextRadio has been a advocate of FM chip activation, noting that FM radio may be the only source of emergency information in times of crisis. Now a new product to debut at the upcoming NAB Show next month may end the chip/no chip debate. Blackloud says that its AF1 and CF1 earphones will provide anyone access to FM radio using their existing smartphones or tablets without needing major phone vendors to unlock the FM chip within those devices.