6 September 2018

Will Internet Be a DAB Killer in Germany?

Podcasts and smart speakers are fueling the online audio market.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Media-Analyze e.V. (agma) this week published the latest data on the use of digital audio services in Germany. According to the ma 2018 IP Audio III measurments, the online audio market continues to grow dynamically. Each month, there are listening streaming sessions 280 million times, with an average session time of 48 minutes.

Audio is currently the most rapidly evolving genre. Innovative trends such as podcasts and digital voice assistants are leading to a veritable boom in the online audio market. According to recent studies, more than a third of Germans (31.2 million) already use devices with voice control. As a result, the use of audio content increases continuously on all channels, says RMS Digital Director Frank Bachér.

The ma IP Audio is documenting the streaming calls via all digital reception channels - stationary/mobile web, WLAN radio, external players, radio usage via apps. With a further 49 online audio offerings, the ma 2018 IP Audio III now includes 80 publishers with a total of 938 channels, two user-generated radios and a music streaming service.

Here are ten top music and radio streaming services in Germany 2018:

1. Spotify  105.858.094 sessions per month
2. SWR3  Livestream 7.318.412
3. laut.fm  6.876.263
4. 1LIVE Livestream  6.838.384
5. ANTENNE BAYERN antenne (simulcast)  6.701.833
6. radionomy  6.098.751
7. WDR 2 Livestream  5.914.052
8. NDR 2 Livestream  5.588.266
9. Deutschlandfunk Livestream  4.153.916
10. BAYERN 3 Livestream  3.363.640

Note: SWR, WDR, NDR and Deutschlandfunk are public broadcasters.

Technically, digital terrestrial broadcasting (i.e. DAB) cannot be an integral part of the voice control boom which requires two-way communication capabilities.

Read more
ma 2018 IP Audio III: Podcasts und Smart Speaker befeuern den Online-Audio-Markt (Radioszene)

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