15 November 2024

5G Broadcast Now Also by Satellite

Tests indicates a bright future for global broadcasting

Until now the 5G Broadcast system has been applied for terrestrial radio and television broadcasting in the UHF-band but now it is also going satellite.

Astrum Mobile and Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. jointly completed the world's first 5G Broadcast technology trial utilizing a GEO satellite. Utilizing Asiastar which is strategically positioned to reach the entire Asia Pacific region we were able to demonstrate capabilities of 5G Broadcast as defined in ETSI TS 103 720 as a full profile of 3GPP specifications, according to Astrum.

Trial is conducted for various scenarios such as vehicular, maritime and mobile phones in lab settings and confirmed feasibility of delivering 5G Broadcast from geosynchronous satellites directly to smartphones.

Involvement of Singaporean research institutions such as the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) and Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) underscores the importance of this trial in pushing the boundaries of mobile communication and data transmission technologies. The trial was further supported by industry leaders such as the 5G Media Action Group (5G-MAG), ORS Group, and Bitstem. 

This will 5G Broadcast by satellite will cover extensive areas as oceans and unpopulated land which are not reachable by terrestrial broadcasting and mobile networks. 

Also read

World's first geosynchronous satellite-based 5G broadcast technology trial  (cctimes.com)