4 December 2019

EBU Attempting to Stop 5G Terrestrial Radio

Analysis: The DAB project is threatened by a new global listening platform
European Broadcasting Union believes that 5G will be good for television, but not for radio. 5G-Broadcast will not be developed (further) for radio claims Antonio Arcidiacono, EBU director of technology and innovation, at a panel discussion during Medientage in Munich. According to the EBU, one reason is that the introduction of DAB+ in Europe should not be jeopardized by diverting too much attention by discussing a new standard.

Major Broadcasters in Sweden Want EU Requirement for FM in Cars

A strategic step for saving DAB radio and a struggle for survival
According to a new EU Kodex directive all new passenger cars must be equipped to receive "terrestrial digital radio" from December 21, 2021. The Swedish government is now forced to include the rule in the Vehicle Regulation. However, the three major Swedish radio broadcasters now want the requirement to apply to FM receivers as well. But things are not always the way they look ..

Austria Now Testing 5G Broadcast Radio & Television

DAB skeptical public broadcaster will air three radio channels in Vienna
The terrestrial digital radio of the future now comes via the Internet, not DAB. Austrian transmitter network operator ORS is planning tests with TV and radio channels in 5G Broadcast mode in Vienna. The media agency KommAustria has approved a project to be implemented at the two major broadcast sites in Vienna (Kahlenberg and Liesing). The authority will assign a channel in the 700MHz band December 2019-June 2020.