4 March 2018

Hände weg von UKW! Hands off FM!

FM switch-off in Norway not a good example for German commercial radio
In an interview, Klaus Schunck chairman of the German commercial radio organization VPRT warns against the Norwegian example of falling listening figures when closing FM broadcasting. He believes that commercial radio can accept a transition to DAB only when FM listening is below 10%.

The interview was made in the light of the failure to push through a transition agreement in the German government coalition setup.

Even with a political will to introduce terrestrial digital radio, one should keep eyes on the actual listening habits, said Klaus Schunk, who can imagine a change, but under very clear conditions. - Today there are about 300 million FM receivers in Germany.

Read the whole interview
Hände weg von UKW!

Note: Today FM listening in Germany is at 80 % on a weekly basis with DAB+ still below 5 %.  After the national channels FM switch-off in Norway DAB listening is at 60 % with a 30 % listening on FM local radio and cross-border, mainly Swedish public service.

Also read
No Agreement For FM Switch-Off in Germany