7 February 2018

No Agreement For FM Switch-Off in Germany

Setback for the DAB lobby:
FM shutdown plan again removed from coalition agreement

Today CDU/CSU and SPD have agreed on a government coalition agreement. In the meantime, a very strongly polarizing media topic - digital radio - has been removed from the treaty: the stipulation for an FM shutdown during the coming mandate period. Instead, a non-committing wording is included in the agreement. (as follows below)

We will further develop the rules on interoperability in §48 Telecommunications Act (TKG) in view of the changing demands on digital radio to strengthen the digital radio as a low-threshold medium. We are taking action to involve all actors in the Digital Radio Board development in order to further advance the digitization of radio.

In Germany there is a widespread resistance in against an FM shutdown, especially the large commercial radio stations are refusing a switch to digital terrestrial radio DAB+, because fear of coverage losses. According to polls in various media the vast majority of Germans also want to keep FM. (Satellifax).

Today there are an estimated 100 million FM receivers (stand-alone and in-car) in Germany.
Listening on a weekly basis is 85% on FM and 5% on DAB. There is also radio listening on cable, satellite and the Internet.

In the coalition agreement there is a strong commitment to increase broadband capacity in Germany.

Also read

A German FM Switch-Off Plan Rejected by Broadcasters and Listeners