29 June 2017

368 New FM Broadcast Licenses Issued in Denmark

Radio Vesterbro. Copenhagen
FM retained in a new local radio landscape for another 10 years.
The radio and television committee has now allocated 368 new broadcasting licenses on the FM band for commercial and non-commercial local radio (community radio). The licenses will be running from 1 January 2018 until 31 December 2027. This indicates that an FM switch-off will probably not be on the agenda in Denmark for a long time, if ever.

There were 41 applicants for commercial local radio and 223 broadcast licenses were granted on 1 July. 161 applied for non-commercial local radio licenses and 145 were issued in August 2017.

The non-commercial local radio sector is also now under a new regulatory system with requirements for organization, place of residence, board member's place of residence and local content.

Read on the media authority site about the new licenses for
Commercial local radio
Non-commercial local radio (community radio)

Also read
Broadcasters Question DAB Venture in Denmark
Gloomy Prognosis for DAB Radio in the Nordic Countries