5 May 2017

DAB Is The Final Stop For Radio

Norwegian media personality slaughtered the DAB project at the government's cultural conference 
The Minister of Culture and the Parliament was written on the noses by the Norwegian astrophysicist, author and future researcher Eirik Newth at the government's cultural conference May 3 in Oslo. He delivered very gloomy predictions about the Norwegian radio industry. DAB is one of the most stupid projects the authorities has implemented and represents the final stop for radio. What we did was to build a terminus, instead of just a road stop which we could travel on from, Newth said.

Newth pointed out that most players are about to leave the broadcasting model. What you're talking about in the rest of the world is 5G and what you can use this new wireless mobile network for. There are also very few other countries that have developed DAB, so Norwegian industry has few opportunities to export any DAB products.

In addition, Norway has now spent billions on a transmission model that is being phased out in other countries and we are tied to a very expensive infrastructure that has to be maintained, said Newth. He also pointed out that radio has dropped off among the young listeners, and therefore DAB now opens for youngsters to completely abandon the radio. In the future, we must create a platform which rather can be further developed, said Newth.

Minister of Culture Linda Hofstad Helleland was the host of the full day conference. Eirik Newth is famous media personality in Norway among things being a radio presenter and has published popular science books, especially for children.

Read more (in Norwegian)
Fremtidsforsker slakter DAB

View on YouTube:  Eirik Newth about DAB in Norway

Also read
National Radio Network Switch-over from FM to DAB+ in Norway