29 March 2017

DAB Broadcasting Gets the Axe in Hong Kong

No demand. Mobile devices and net competition killed on-air digital radio
The public broadcaster Radio & Television Hong Kong will terminate its five channels digital audio broadcasting (DAB+) in about six months. The decision was made after the Executive Council approved the complete discontinuation of DAB in Hong Kong due to weak market demand. Thus HK government is pulling the plug of the only remaining DAB+ broadcasting by RTHK. 

According to RTHK news there was not enough demand from listeners and also competition on the Internet was too much for this expensive platform.

Last year the three HK commercial broadcasters Digital Broadcasting Corp, Metro Radio and Phoenix U Radio returned their DAB licenses to the government. The DAB+ platform was established in Hong Kong in 2012.

DAB radio has not yet any foothold in mainland China, which now has developed a digital radio standard of its own (CDR).

Listen to the item in the morning news programme (iTunes)

Hong Kong Today (March 28, 2017)

Also read
Digital radio in Hong Kong gets the axe after exodus (South China Morning Post)
A Third Hongkong DAB Broadcaster To Sign Off
China Goes For Its Own Digital Radio Standard