18 February 2017

Commercial Broadcasters Rejects DAB Transition Plan in Germany

Association leaving federal government digitalradio board
The private commercial radio stations, which are part of Verband Privater Rundfunk und Telemedien e.V. (VPRT), has rejected the "Action Plan for the Transformation of Radio Broadcasting in the Digital Age" as non-marketable and also left the Digitalradio-Board of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI). VPRT demands that the regional states now act in the sense of diversity protection in the dual system.

The draft roadmap was passed yesterday by the Parliamentary State Secretary Bär to the State Secretary Raab (Rhineland-Palatinate) for further consultation its Broadcasting Commission. 

The chairman of the radio and audio services department in the VPRT and managing director of Radio Rainbow Klaus Schunk said: New technologies can not be politically prescribed. They must convince consumers and be able to take action in the market on their own. The approach of developing a roadmap for the transition to the digital radio future with all participants was a real and important attempt. This has unfortunately failed from the point of view of private radio stations. The draft Action Plan does not provide a market-compliant migration scenario. It promotes the transfer standard DAB+ onesided and disregards market and usage conditions.

The private radio stations criticize, inter alia, the measure of keeping FM frequencies which are no longer used by public service broadcasters largely unused and not to be reused by private radios. It is unacceptable in this form to protect the end of the most widely used FM standard in this form, which will be a long-term and alternative business for private radio stations. If FM frequencies are returned by ARD or Deutschlandradio, they should be used to supply new areas for the privately-owned radio stations that have always been inferior to them and not to be confiscated by the state, says Schunk.

In addition, the VPRT criticizes the proposal for a regulation for radio receivers which excludes mobile devices for the promotion of digital radio. Smartphones are an important and growing market for digital radio reception. To not consider them in a digital migration planning simply means hiding the behavior of the consumer, says Klaus Schunk.
Read the VPRT Press Release

Privatradios verlassen Digitalradio-Board des Bundesverkehrsministeriums ohne Zustimmung zu einem gemeinsamen Aktionsplan

Also read
Headwinds against DAB in Western Germany
Germany Rejects Proposal for Mandatory DAB in Radio Receivers
FM Unbeatable Listening Platform in Germany