10 April 2015

Community Radio and Television Join Forces in Sweden

A new media structure is born. Renowned media personality to head new organization.
Again the local democracy must be conquered, says Lotta Gröning, renowned journalist and historian, elected as President of Community Media Sweden (CMS) a new umbrella organization constituted today in Upsala by National Association of Open Channels (ROK) and Community Radio Association (NRO).

In the non-commercial third media sector in Sweden there are 25 open television channels in Sweden broadcasting on cable and ip-tv networks. 100 community radio stations are on FM radio. Community Media Sweden will work for governmental culture and democracy funding targeting local activities i order to secure the local coverage of culture and society.

Lotta Gröning believes that this will vitalize the local democracy especially regarding integration issues and local coverage. The opportunities are great, not at least with the integration issues on the table and as the number of journalists around the country are becoming fewer and local commercial media is becoming more concentrated, she says.

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