2 January 2015

DAB Radio Too Expensive for Commercial Radio in Bavaria

German broadcaster is cutting digital radio involvement  
This month the commercial broadcaster Antenne Bayern is closing two DAB+ channels Antenne topp 40 and Antenne Bayern which will remain online.  Antenne Bayern is critical against the economical possibilities for commercial radio to finance DAB+.  More money for development of content and distribution is needed. But the income from commercial ads will not cover this according to the company.

The main competitor the public service broadcaster Bayrische Rundfunk is financed by tv license fees and has no problems to finanice DAB+

Antenne Bayern is broadcasting its channels on FM, the Astra satellite and cable. The main channel Antenne Bayern and its offs-pring Rock Antenne will remain on DAB+ for the time being.

In Germany the DAB+ network is now compelted and will reach the whole country. However, today less than 5 % of the listening is on DAB+ while most listening is on FM and online.

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