10 December 2014

DAB Radio: Swedish Green Party Is Not Impressed

Technology and consumer needs must be reviewed says a party in the government
Miljöpartiet - the Green party - is still opposing a proposed national venture in digital terrestrial radio using the DAB system. I don't envisage DAB as an interesting alternative. But the proposal will be put on consultation and based on received answers  we will take a decision if there will be a need of more enquires, says Niclas Malmberg MP for the Greens and spokesperson for culture and media.
Already 2013 the Greens in a Parliament bill proposed an enquiry to find out if DAB was the proper technological choice for the future. The party sees this a complex question with many technical considerations which cannot be decide on before all aspects have been elucidated.

The party also want to see the consumer needs being accurately analyzed.

Miljöpartiet is the coalition partner in the new Swedish government together with the Social Democrats. The Green party is in charge of Culture, Media and ICT in the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Industry respectively.

In 2005 a Social Democratic government put a lid on the first effort to introduce DAB in Sweden which started in 1995. 

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