20 December 2014

Public Service Now Also Doubt DAB+ in Denmark

Politicians must reconsider digital transition
In a hearing at the Parliament the major private radio broadcasters together with the music copyright organizations has questioned DAB as the sole future digital platform in Denmark. They point to the fact that DAB has a limited use in Europe and presents no clear advantages for the listeners. Radio listening is shifting from FM and DAB to online listening on tablets, smartphones and computers.
Now also the two public service companies Danmarks Radio (DR) and Radio24syv have joined those voices. DR says there is a need for deeper analyzis of future media consumption and several decisions should be postponed. DAB+ will demand substantial investments the day the FM network will be closed.

15 December 2014

Most of The World Will Be Mobile Connected

Nine out of ten will have a mobile or smartphone 2020
Becoming the major radio and television platform 
Ericsson ConsumerLab has identified some of the most important consumer trends for 2015 and beyond. Rapidly evolving urban consumer attitudes are transforming our world. With only 5 years to go until 2020, the future seems closer than ever. In another report Ericson forecast that 90 percent of the world population will own a mobile phone 2020 and there will be 6,1 billion mobile phones. The mobile video streaming will increase ten times and will 2020 represent 55 percent of all data communications.

10 December 2014

DAB Radio: Swedish Green Party Is Not Impressed

Technology and consumer needs must be reviewed says a party in the government
Miljöpartiet - the Green party - is still opposing a proposed national venture in digital terrestrial radio using the DAB system. I don't envisage DAB as an interesting alternative. But the proposal will be put on consultation and based on received answers  we will take a decision if there will be a need of more enquires, says Niclas Malmberg MP for the Greens and spokesperson for culture and media.

8 December 2014

DAB Radio Cannot Replace FM in Cars in Sweden

Digital radio proposal missed importance of in-car radio
- including foreign visitors on Swedish roads
In an article in Sweden's no.1 daily Dagens Nyheter the two major car organizations Bil Sweden and Motormännen write that the DAB radio proposal recently presented to the government "seems to have forgotten that three out of ten radio listeners sit in a car".  The proposed time table for switching off FM 2024 is too tight. Millions of cars with FM receivers only will still be in use ten years from now.

It seems also forgotten that Sweden's neighboring world is comprising more than just Norway, comments Gunnar Bergvall president of the Public Service Council.

7 December 2014

No Decision to Introduce DAB+ in Sweden

DAB lobby slanting facts about digital radio proposal.
Last week a proposal for a transition from FM to DAB+ in 2016-2024 was presented to the Swedish government. Information about his has now been slanted by DAB promoters as a decision by  the Swedish government for a “roadmap” to a digital-only future. The announcements from Sweden and Switzerland send a clear statement that the future of radio is digital, claims Patrick Hannon, president of the EBU connected lobby organization WorldDMB.   

However, the Swedish government has not taken any kind of decision regarding digital radio. The former center-right government commissioned a "digital radio coordinator" and she has now presented a proposal for a roadmap.  

6 December 2014

Royal Academy Rejects DAB Radio

A severe setback for proposal to switch-off FM in Sweden 
The renowned Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) has promptly rejected DAB digital radio in response to the proposed roadmap for a transition to DAB+.
The "Digital Radio Coordinator" commissioned by the former center-right government presented her proposal Dec 1. The plan consists of a mutual launch, extension of the licenses for commercial radio actors to broadcast analogue and a conditional shutdown of FM transmissions 2016-2024.
However, the proposal has been mauled by the public opinion in the press and social media and widely criticized by experts outside the DAB sphere of interest. 

2 December 2014

Proposal for a Transition to DAB+ Meets Widespread Doubt in Sweden

Thumbs down for a roadmap with a FM switch-off.
Public funding will be crucial. Set for a political decision autumn 2015.
A Digital Radio Coordinator has for a year worked together with the public service radio and the commercial radio industry to produce a roadmap on how to digitalize terrestrial radio, not why. The plan consists of a mutual launch, extension of the licenses for commercial radio actors to broadcast analogue and a conditional shutdown of FM transmissions. However, the proposal is not welcome with enthusiasm by the public opinion.

FM Capability in U.S. Smartphones Rises

FM radio in smartphones bundled with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi on a “connectivity” chip
With the release of the NextRadio smartphone app now preloaded on some 30 devices, NAB Labs is seeing progress on the availability of FM in devices compared to two years ago. However, data shows that while FM chips have been present in nearly all of the top-selling smartphones in the U.S. in the past two years, their software and hardware integration levels still varies.