17 September 2020

Digital Radio Trial on the FM Band in Copenhagen

Also to be received in Southern Sweden. 

On 31 August 2020, the Danish Radio and Television Board granted Open Channel Aps in Copenhagen to conduct trial operations with digital radio DRM + on the FM band for the next 12 months, but can be extended twice more for 12 months. 

The broadcasts are planned to start during the last quarter of this year on the frequency 86.5 MHz, 500 Watt ERP and with a bandwidth of 200 kHz, which makes room for two DRM + channels. Each DRM + channel has a capacity of 186.4 kbps with space for three digital radio channels with a slideshow, a total of six digital radio stations can thus be broadcast here. There are ambitions to involve the Öresund region and possibly collaborate with another FM station on the Swedish side.

New Digital Radio Receivers For Consumer Market in India

Terrestrial broadcast DRM + is now also available in the FM band. A global challenge for DAB.

Chinese Gospell, Swiss StarWaves (including "TukTuk Radio"), and Indian Avion have launched new models of DRM standalone and car radio sets. Unlike before, most receivers have now also been adapted for DRM for all broadcast bands; medium wave (MF), short wave (HF), VHF band I-III including the FM band (DRM +).

An article in the radio industry magazine Radio World indicates that it will be possible to adapt current analogue FM receivers also in mobile phones to DRM + without any extra hardware. This is particularly interesting for India where a very large proportion of the population listens to radio in their mobile phones and smartphones; online or on FM.