10 June 2020

Smartphone Now The No. 1 Media Platform In Sweden

Good news for audio media, not so good news for radio set business.
The fact that almost everyone now has a smartphone that can be used for both linear and streaming radio and television is evident as reported by the Nordicom Media Barometer 2019.

The report shows that the population is well equipped with regard to access to media technology in 2019. During the year, 94% had access to a smartphone, 92% to a television and 86% to a laptop. Media players, such as Apple TV, for 55 percent. Radio receiver ownership continues to decline and is now down to 65%. Nevertheless, audio media accounts for the largest proportion of total media usage.

6 June 2020

New EBU Tech Report on 5G for Broadcasters

5G Mobile Broadband and 5G Broadcast should be combined
The European Broadcasting Union has published a comprehensive report which emphasizes that, technically, 5G may be able to meet the distribution requirements of both public service and commercial media providers if a combination of 5G Mobile Broadband and 5G Broadcast is used.

Media organizations have evolved their distribution to include IP-based services with linear as well as nonlinear and catch-up content. Portable and mobile devices such as smartphone and tablets play an increasing role for the consumption of media content and services in the home, as well as on the move. This report elaborates on the potential of 5G to facilitate the distribution of the whole range of public service media services to portable and mobile devices.

5 June 2020

Will Digitalization Be the Downfall of Radio in Russia?

New government argument against DAB radio
Russian media writes that the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media is categorically opposed to digitalization of radio. This could mean the end of the radio industry, says  deputy minister Maxut Shadayev. 

If you digitize the radio in Russia, new radio stations will emerge as mushrooms. This has a huge impact on the advertising market, which is already limited and divided between existing radio stations whose revenues are not very lucrative today, according to the minister.

But Voice of Russia has been on DRM for years - on shortwave.