27 February 2020

Swiss Community Radio Cannot Afford DAB Radio

Picture: zVg
Government subsidies for the FM-DAB transition to be discontinued.
Community radio station Country Radio Switzerland will drop DAB broadcasting at the end of the year because state funding will gradually be reduced starting 2020. This is DAB death, says CEO David Bolli. Prior to the  (communications authority) Bakom grant, only a few stations could be received on DAB +. It was a shock that we were not informed by either Bakom or our DAB supplier that the subsidies would be phased out, says David Bolli, to persoenlich.com.  

12 February 2020

DAB Radio Sales Fiasco in Norway

The electronics industry missed on its own forecasts in spite of FM switch-off.  Read our analysis.
Today, the Norwegian Electronics Industry Foundation presented sales figures for 2019 for television sets radio receivers, mobile phones and other electronics products. While turnover increases overall, there are several types of products Norwegians bought less of during the year. Most notable decline is DAB receivers. According to the Electronics industry's own forecasts from 2017, the Norwegians would buy a total of over 1.1 million DAB radios in 2019, distributed on portabel radios, car equipment and integrated tuners in other equipment.