13 December 2020

FM Radio Mandatory for New Cars in Finland

DAB broadcasting is not on the agenda

The Finnish parliament has approved the reform of the Electronic Communications Services Act and related laws. The amendment to the Vehicle Act secures the possibility for Finns to listen to domestic FM radio channels in the car also in the future.

The position of FM radio in new cars in Finland will receive a new kind of security with the change in the law. Article 25 of the revised Vehicle Act, which will enter into force already on December 21, stipulates that the radio receivers of new cars sold in Finland must be able to receive FM radio.

17 September 2020

Digital Radio Trial on the FM Band in Copenhagen

Also to be received in Southern Sweden. 

On 31 August 2020, the Danish Radio and Television Board granted Open Channel Aps in Copenhagen to conduct trial operations with digital radio DRM + on the FM band for the next 12 months, but can be extended twice more for 12 months. 

The broadcasts are planned to start during the last quarter of this year on the frequency 86.5 MHz, 500 Watt ERP and with a bandwidth of 200 kHz, which makes room for two DRM + channels. Each DRM + channel has a capacity of 186.4 kbps with space for three digital radio channels with a slideshow, a total of six digital radio stations can thus be broadcast here. There are ambitions to involve the Öresund region and possibly collaborate with another FM station on the Swedish side.

New Digital Radio Receivers For Consumer Market in India

Terrestrial broadcast DRM + is now also available in the FM band. A global challenge for DAB.

Chinese Gospell, Swiss StarWaves (including "TukTuk Radio"), and Indian Avion have launched new models of DRM standalone and car radio sets. Unlike before, most receivers have now also been adapted for DRM for all broadcast bands; medium wave (MF), short wave (HF), VHF band I-III including the FM band (DRM +).

An article in the radio industry magazine Radio World indicates that it will be possible to adapt current analogue FM receivers also in mobile phones to DRM + without any extra hardware. This is particularly interesting for India where a very large proportion of the population listens to radio in their mobile phones and smartphones; online or on FM.

17 July 2020

Terrestrial Digital Radio To Complement AM and FM in South Africa

A pyrrhic victory for the DAB lobby. Analogue switch-off not on the agenda
The South African Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies, Stella Tembisa Ndabeni-Abrahams, has issued policy direction regarding the introduction of digital sound broadcasting in South Africa which recommends both DRM (for AM and FM bands) and DAB+. This decision represents a first for digital terrestrial broadcasting anywhere, as it brings together in one policy the two ITU recommended open digital radio standards, DRM and DAB+.

The aim of the directive is to provide a licensing framework and optimum allocation of radio frequencies for the South African three-tier system of public, commercial and community broadcasting services. This will stimulate, where economically feasible, the South African industry in the manufacturing of digital receivers and ancillary gadgets and encourage investment in the broadcasting sector.

4 July 2020

British Commercial Radio Will Continue On FM At Least Until 2032.

A major setback for the promoters of the DAB system
Listeners of popular radio stations, such as Classic FM and TalkSport, will be able to access their favorite shows for another ten years despite rapid changes in technology and radio listening. Media Minister John Whittingdale has now decided how commercial radio will be licensed in the coming decade.

Almost 60 percent of all radio listening is now done digitally (DAB, the digital TV network, satellite and Internet), but analogue stations on the FM and AM-band are still important for millions of listeners. Another FM switch-off delay is regarded as a major setback for the promoters of the DAB system. 

10 June 2020

Smartphone Now The No. 1 Media Platform In Sweden

Good news for audio media, not so good news for radio set business.
The fact that almost everyone now has a smartphone that can be used for both linear and streaming radio and television is evident as reported by the Nordicom Media Barometer 2019.

The report shows that the population is well equipped with regard to access to media technology in 2019. During the year, 94% had access to a smartphone, 92% to a television and 86% to a laptop. Media players, such as Apple TV, for 55 percent. Radio receiver ownership continues to decline and is now down to 65%. Nevertheless, audio media accounts for the largest proportion of total media usage.

6 June 2020

New EBU Tech Report on 5G for Broadcasters

5G Mobile Broadband and 5G Broadcast should be combined
The European Broadcasting Union has published a comprehensive report which emphasizes that, technically, 5G may be able to meet the distribution requirements of both public service and commercial media providers if a combination of 5G Mobile Broadband and 5G Broadcast is used.

Media organizations have evolved their distribution to include IP-based services with linear as well as nonlinear and catch-up content. Portable and mobile devices such as smartphone and tablets play an increasing role for the consumption of media content and services in the home, as well as on the move. This report elaborates on the potential of 5G to facilitate the distribution of the whole range of public service media services to portable and mobile devices.

5 June 2020

Will Digitalization Be the Downfall of Radio in Russia?

New government argument against DAB radio
Russian media writes that the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media is categorically opposed to digitalization of radio. This could mean the end of the radio industry, says  deputy minister Maxut Shadayev. 

If you digitize the radio in Russia, new radio stations will emerge as mushrooms. This has a huge impact on the advertising market, which is already limited and divided between existing radio stations whose revenues are not very lucrative today, according to the minister.

But Voice of Russia has been on DRM for years - on shortwave.

27 February 2020

Swiss Community Radio Cannot Afford DAB Radio

Picture: zVg
Government subsidies for the FM-DAB transition to be discontinued.
Community radio station Country Radio Switzerland will drop DAB broadcasting at the end of the year because state funding will gradually be reduced starting 2020. This is DAB death, says CEO David Bolli. Prior to the  (communications authority) Bakom grant, only a few stations could be received on DAB +. It was a shock that we were not informed by either Bakom or our DAB supplier that the subsidies would be phased out, says David Bolli, to persoenlich.com.  

12 February 2020

DAB Radio Sales Fiasco in Norway

The electronics industry missed on its own forecasts in spite of FM switch-off.  Read our analysis.
Today, the Norwegian Electronics Industry Foundation presented sales figures for 2019 for television sets radio receivers, mobile phones and other electronics products. While turnover increases overall, there are several types of products Norwegians bought less of during the year. Most notable decline is DAB receivers. According to the Electronics industry's own forecasts from 2017, the Norwegians would buy a total of over 1.1 million DAB radios in 2019, distributed on portabel radios, car equipment and integrated tuners in other equipment. 

14 January 2020

India and Pakistan Are Leading Their Way to Terrestrial Digital Radio

We might now discern the end of DAB outside Europe
Broadcasters are trying to establish a digital terrestrial radio platform as a future alternative to radio via Internet. Main contenders are the HD Radio, DAB and DRM systems.  While DAB is leading in Europe and HD Radio in North America the DRM system is clearly the choice for large area countries in Asia (including Russia), Africa and South America. India and Pakistan are all set for DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) with heavy investments. India is now also manufacturing stand-alone and car receivers for DRM.

10 January 2020

Medium Wave Radio Come-Back in Denmark

New opportunities with more effective coverage for terrestrial radio in Northern Europe. The AM band being further developed globally.
Radio 208 in Copenhagen is a new radio station focusing on oldies from the period 1964-1984 with the emphasis on the 70s and rock. "The Rock of Copenhagen - Progressive Rock 1964-1984". Radio 208 broadcasts around the clock at a wavelength of 208 meters (1440 kHz), a frequency that many people in Denmark - at least music fans over 50 years - know; the legendary European radio channel Radio Luxembourg until 1991, says the founder Stig Hartvig Nielsen.