14 July 2016

Norwegians Reject Transition from FM to DAB

"Peoples' Revolt Against DAB"
Overwhelming majority is strongly opposed to a closure of the FM network and a transition to DAB. 
The politicians are not in tune with the electorate 
The public radio channels and the commercial channels in major cities will close their FM broadcasts next year. A survey by Ipsos for the daily Dagbladet reveals that an overwhelming majority are strongly opposed to a closure of the FM network and transition to DAB radio. The question: It is decided that the FM network will be switched-off 1 January 2017. After that time must have DAB radio to listen to the radio. Should the FM network be switched-off and radio signals moved from FM to DAB, or are you against it?  The results of the survey show that 65 percent opposed a transition, 16 percent positive and 19 percent undecided.

3 July 2016

DAB Promoters Push For FM Sales Ban in Austria

Government study regarding a digital transition released.
Private radio want transition subsidies and sales ban on FM receivers. Public service not onboard. Community radio: DAB is an outdated technology.
Because the market outlook for terrestrial digital radio in Austria is bad, private radio companies want drastic measures: The sale of non-digital radios should be banned, and DAB+ should be mandatory for all new cars. However, in a study released last week the Austrian regulator RTR gives little hope for a viable development of the digital radio market: In the currently existing framework there are no prerequisites for a profitable business case, according to the document.