22 December 2023

5G Broadcast - Ready For Global Launch 2024

The Universal Radio and Television Mobility Platform 

 The LTE-based 5G Terrestrial Broadcast System or ”5G Broadcast” might soon disrupt and replace terrestrial digital broadcasting models as DVB-T2 and DAB writes the Public Service Council (Sweden) in a report.

In 2024 there are 7 billion smartphones in the world. Global 5G mobile subscriptions are projected to reach 1.6 billion by the end of 2023. The smartphone is a versatile communication tool. More than previously anticipated it is now becoming the most important platform for radio and television listening and viewing. Video and audio streaming (including radio and television channels) is now taking approximately 75% of the global Internet capacity.

Media content is increasingly being delivered on Internet via fixed line and mobile IP networks. Audiences on the move will consume OTT (Over-the-top) broadband media. OTT as a platform for radio and television already is outpacing DTT (DVB-T2) and DAB-radio via smartphones and Connected Cars via fixed and mobile broadband as well WiFi access.